Saturday, January 11, 2020

Craft Your Stash Challenge

Like many of us, I was considering my goals for the year; lose weight, eat healthier and exercise toward a hopefully healthier lifestyle. You know, the typical type of goals or resolutions we usually make at the beginning of a new year...but I felt that this was lacking.

Life is a challenge, it usually is, but the last seven years has driven this truth home in many ways. There are so many things that are outside of your influence and control when others are involved. It is so difficult and heart breaking when it involves someone you love and can’t save. You can only be supportive and hope for the best. I am not really ready to discuss all the details at this point, but needless to say, it has been emotionally and physically draining.

As a result, for some time I have been feeling lost. I attempted to change this through emotional eating as well as buying things to feel better. One of the many things that I would buy were craft supplies, because in the past it would lead to what I considered a passion of mine - creating. The sad thing was I was not creating and was unsure why. Any crafting I did do felt forced and difficult for me to focus on. As I write this, I feel part of this is because of the emotional drain this situation has has been difficult to be positive and find my inner joy.

SO...what do you do when you are faced with a stash of craft supplies that has developed a life of its own and the need to regain what you feel you have lost? Hmmmm... Sounds like a crafty challenge to me, and I love a challenge, especially a crafty one. I am a firm believer in the healing powers of creative focus and connecting to that joy you find in creating. OK, a new goal this year will be to craft my stash and create the treasures I enjoy. More importantly, I believe a part of my healing process is to share the story behind my family’s challenge these past seven years.

I hope you join me in my new crafty adventure and find what you need in the stories I need to share.